Monday 29 September 2014

Day 1 of V's candida diet


1 large Stewed apple with cinnamon
around 100 gms Natural yogurt with probiotic powder and multi mineral liquid supplement
1/2 cup milk


Carrs water table biscuits with butter and quorn pepperoni
pack salt 'n' shake crisps


Chicken curry and Fried rice
pumpkin seed ryvita



1/2 tbsp oil
1 small onion, chopped
few pieces of yellow and orange pepper
left over cooked chicken
2 tbsp ketchup, watered so you can pour it easily
1/2 tbsp curry powder
garlic granules
3 tbsp natural yogurt


Fry the onion until beginning to soften
add the peppers and cook until soft
Add the cooked chicken and heat through
Add the curry powder and garlic - mix thoroughly and fry for a minute or two
Add the tomato ketchup and simmer while you cook some rice
Take off the heat, cool for a moment and stir through the yogurt

Served with basmatti rice and 2 pumpkin seed ryvita - makes 1 decent portion

Eve meal

Creamy tuna pasta

 1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion
few slices yellow and orange pepper, diced
garlic ggranules, thyme and oregano to taste
a small can tuna, drained
1/3 bottle passata
3 handful pasta shapes
3 tbsp cream
3 tbsp sweetcorn

Boil pasta and make the sauce:
Fry the onion, garlic, herbs and peppers until softened
Add tuna, passata, sweetcorn, bring to the boil then simmer until the pasta is cooked
Mixed everything together and stir in the cream

Makes 1 large portion for eating and 1 portion for leftover lunch

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